

I mostly write light and fluffy erotic romance. My debut novel is Yankee Concubine. It's about a girl who leaves her hometown to discover her true self. I have a handful of future projects in mind exploring the entire queer spectrum. I love the idea of having all different kinds of sexualities and genders. I also want to do a holidays collection of short stories. By the way, I have just noticed there are Halloween romance stories to balance all the Christmas ones. WHY HAS NOBODY TOLD ME THIS? I feel I must contribute and make the genre just as popular as the Christmas books! (I will still write a yuletide one anyway though. haha >:)

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The predominant genre I write is Horror. I love to have the hair on the back of my neck raised. I also prefer a bit of romance to my horror. It may not be romance in the typical sense, but there has to be that element for it to flow gracefully in my opinion. Even with lots of blood and gore it can still be yawn worthy if there is nothing more to it. If you're going to be cutting, cut deep. I am already planning out my own debut novel and I am keeping it under wraps for now until I begin actually writing the first draft for NaNoWriMo. To give a hint, there are moon phases, a witch, and a wolf involved. That is all I will say for now, my lovelies.

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