Our Books:

YaNkee CoNcUbiNe

By Liebe Blumenkranz

Amy is a curvy girl from a small town that wants more than what life has to offer where she grew up. After saving her money for years, she took the vacation to Taiwan she always wanted. She was ready for the opportunity to come out of her shell and find her true self. Most of all, she wanted to explore her feelings towards other girls. She musters up the courage to seek a girlfriend when she meets a couple. Since she was still curious about men, she thought why not? She takes a risk and begins a journey of self discovery until everything shatters into chaos from the outbreak of a worldwide pandemic. Follow Amy through her story of hope, heartbreak, and healing.




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By Liebe Blumenkranz

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By Schrek Blumenkranz

These are dark and bloody times for those living in Nordic EUROPE.

different churches ARE at war over territory and believers. nations ARE at war over land and resources.

Heldin is a witch, STRONG in her own right. A solitary practitioner searching for a peaceful place to live and have a life of simplicity.

but fate has other plans.

she is in need of a certain old magic, a grimoire hidden by an elder wise woman in the ruins of an old castle. she manages to find the location along with terrible news. the book’s last resting place was also where the wise woman died from its power. It is considered a cursed land and nobody dares TO go near.

except for her.

